Thursday 9 February 2012

Campaign Report: Journey to Aldorf - Session 1 (PART 2)

A Howling Good Time: PART 2
(Continuing from PART 1)

The Giant Wolf's arrival changed things. With the arrival of their pack leader, the other remaining wolves immediately joined its side which consisted mostly of the wolves who had overwhelmed and made short work of the mercenary group. 

Knowing it was going to take more than a few lucky shots to take the Giant Wolf down Thorgrim the Slayer turned away from his kill and headed to assist the Smuggler who he knew was going to get into a world of hurt.

Meanwhile, the Pistolier's search for the missing child was not going well. Try as he may he could not find any trace of the missing child in the darkness. Was the child alive? Should he turn around to immediately assist his comrades? It took a while but the Pistolier suddenly realized that searching with a torch from the campfire would probably be a better way of searching for the child in darkness. 

True enough using the torch did help in his search but the Pistolier now wish he hadn't because before him in a pool of blood was the remains of what could only be guessed was the missing child. Not ready to face the dead child's mother with the news and determined to avenge the dead child the Pistolier ran towards the wolves now surrounding the Smuggler.

Now one thing you need to know about giant wolves is that they are twice as large as a normal wolf but just as fast if not faster. While the Smuggler was no pushover with a sword for every would he inflicted on the pack leader he was getting his own fare share. If help didn't come soon things were not going to get pretty. The Hunter, aware of his companion's dire situation yet ever calm in the face of danger again readied his crossbow and with another quick prayer let loose a bolt into the side of the nearest wolf between him and the Smuggler dropping it dead.

Evenly numbered and now heavily wounded the Giant wolf survival instincts were taking over, clawing, biting, and slashing with beastly fury and speed at its enemies. At the receiving end of all, that pain was the smuggler taking the brunt of the giant wolf's attack. But through skill or pure dumb luck, the Smuggler managed to stay standing with no critical strikes upon his body. Either way, the Smuggler knew that if things didn't change fast he wasn't going to be able to keep the giant wolf from eventually ripping his throat open. 

With a mighty roar! Thorgrim the Slayer yet again rushed into battle towards the giant wolf. The beast was gaining the upper-hand against the Smuggler and Thorgrim knew that if he didn't act now it was going to be too late to help his companion... 

Tasting blood and sensing his enemies weakness the Giant Wolf went in for the killing blow but in its rush to finish of its prey, the beast had exposed its left flank to the incoming Dwarf. Seeing the opening Thorgrim saw his chance and stepped in. With weapon held high above his head and slayer blood lust fuelling his strength Thorgrim swung down with all his might cleaving the pack leader in two. Standing over his fallen foe, dwarf beard drenched in crimson red Thorgrim turned towards the Smuggler who's faces clearly showed a sigh of relief, for he knew that this encounter was not looking like it would end with him still on his feet.

Suddenly from behind our adventurers, a man appeared on horseback. In the carnage of battle, the howling and growling of wolves and the screams of the dead no one had heard his approach or the dozen or so well-armed men behind him... "I must say gentleman that was an impressive showing I was delightfully entertained by your performance"... 

End of Session 1.

Journey to Altdorf: Campaign Introduction

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